£80,000 funding award!

January 26th, 2021

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded £80,000 from BBC Children in Need and Youth Futures to expand our innovative team.  The new posts will be providing education support to brain injured children and young people through the COVID crises.  Many of our children and young people are already years behind their peers at school and the COVID crises will only exacerbate this further.  Doctors used to think that brain injured children and young people simply ‘bounced back’ post brain injury; but we know this is not the case.  Many of these children and young people still have significant  difficulties, up to 12 years post brain injury, that continue to have a negative impact on their lives, learning and employability.  The ground-breaking team will be combining neuro-rehabilitation techniques with SEN resources to ensure their work has a lasting impact on the lives of brain injured children and young people.

Child 1 - Aged 14 and 3 years after a traumatic brain injury
2019 2020 Change
REASONING 301/800 426/800   +  125
MEMORY 181/800 304/800   +  123
ATTENTION 463/800 573/800   +  110
COORDINATION 47/800 309/800   +  262
PERCEPTION 158/800 374/800   +  216
"Pediatric neuro-rehabilitation cannot be delivered in isolation. The needs of the child have to be looked at both holistically and within the context of the family unit. Parents need to be empowered to be parents in post-acute pediatric neuro-rehabilitation following brain injury"
The Children's Trust; United Kingdom
"With support parents cope better so the child has a better recovery"
Andrea Palacio-Navarro; Spain
"We are impressed with the progress you have made with the individual we referred to you."  Social Worker    
"Too often children and young people with ABI are discharged from hospital without specialist brain support that they and their families need to overcome lifelong challenges"
Andrew Ross; former Chief Executive of the Children's Trust
"Children and young people have poor social competence post brain injury due to reduced cognition, executive functions, and emotional control. As a result they are twice as likely to have mental health issues in the future"
James Tonks; University of London
"Thousands of children and young people living in the UK today without the help and support that can make a huge difference to their lives"
Dalton Leong; Chief Executive of the Children's Trust
"When different organisations assess different aspects of a child's neuro-rehabilitation needs, everyone looks at things from a different perspective and have conflicting priorities"
Cathy Jonson; Rehab without Walls; United Kingdom.
"Case management for children and young people post acquired brain injury is 'pivotal' to successful outcomes and must be local"
Deborah Andrews; New Zealand
"We need to harness the power of brain plasticity for treating children and young people with brain injury, especially at the key ages of 0-3 and at ages 10-16"
Professor Bryan Kolb; Canada

OUR MISSION: To work to remove inequalities for children & young people affected by acquired brain injury; and provide effective support to their families that makes a real difference to their lives.

Council for Disabled Children Community Funded Charity Excellence Lottery Funded Youth Foundation BBC CiN