Our Vision, Aims & Values
One day all children and young people living with acquired brain injuries, will be recognised, supported and able to access rehabilitation support that will maximise individual potential.
To provide high quality and fully integrated support services to brain injured children, young people and their families and carers to:
- improve coordination and facilitate access to appropriate joined-up services (where possible);
- provide innovative one-to-one rehabilitation and education support; that is currently not available; and
- provide peer mentoring and practical support to their families and carers
In 1995 the Nolan Committee produced its first report and recommended that all public bodies adopt codes of conduct incorporating those principles. These standards have been widely adopted across a range of sectors as they complement other work on codes and practices, including the Code of Good Governance. As such the Trustees of MATRIX Neurological have agreed to adhere to the Nolan Principles. These are:
- Selflessness
We will act solely in the best interests of our clients and their families and not to gain financial or other material benefits for ourselves, our family, or our friends.
- Integrity
We will always behave with integrity and we will not compromise ourselves by being under any obligation, financial or otherwise, to any individuals or organisations that might seek to influence us in what we do.
- Objectivity
We will make choices in the best interest of our clients and the organisation; not ourselves.
- Accountability
We will be accountable for our decisions and actions at all times and will submit ourselves to whatever scrutiny is necessary.
- Openness
We will be open and transparent about all the decisions and actions that we take and will only restrict information where confidentiality clearly demands.
- Honesty
We will always behave in an honest manner and declare any interests relating to our duties and will take steps to resolve any conflicts of interest to protect the people we exist to serve.
- Leadership
We will always promote leadership and example in what we do, by doing things right and doing the right thing.