What is advocacy?
Advocacy services help people – particularly those who are most vulnerable in society – to:
a) access information and services
b) be involved in decisions about their lives
c) explore choices and options
d) defend and promote their rights and responsibilities
e) speak out about issues that matter to them
(Source NHS England)
What is an advocate?
An advocacy service is provided by someone who is independent of social services and the NHS, and who isn’t part of your family or one of your friends.
An advocate’s role includes arguing your case when you need them to, and making sure the correct procedures are followed by your health and social care services. (Source NHS England)
Our advocacy service means we are there to represent your wishes without giving any personal opinions and without representing the views of any other organisation.
We can do things like:
a) help you access information you need
b) go with you to meetings or interviews in a supportive role
c) write letters on your behalf or
d) speak for you in situations where you don’t feel able to speak for yourself.