Get involved

There are a number of ways you can support us:


Fundraising is a brilliant way to bring people together for a good cause and have fun into the bargain!

EVENTS are a great way of raising funds and also awareness of a charity. These can be sponsored events such as fun runs, cycle rides, sponsored swims. Coffee mornings and afternoon teas are also very popular.

The list is endless, only limited by your imagination!


There are several ways to make a donation:

  • By giving direct – Use our Donate button on the HOME page.
  • by giving through your pay packet
  • Leave a legacy in your will
  • Put money in a collecting box

Signing up for GIFT AID increases the value of your donation by allowing charities to reclaim tax on the gift.


Volunteers are vital to the success of our organisation and we are always looking for volunteers to help support our work.

Our volunteers will receive an in-depth induction, training appropriate to their role and ongoing support and development to ensure their volunteering is a positive experience.

"Too often children and young people with ABI are discharged from hospital without specialist brain support that they and their families need to overcome lifelong challenges"
Andrew Ross; former Chief Executive of the Children's Trust
"Our 10 year study proves that family-led home-based neuro-rehab interventions deliver the best outcomes for children and young people"
Lucia Braga; Brazil
"Brain development is complex and prolonged. Brain plasticity is influenced by a range of factors. Plasticity provides a base for neuro-rehab therapies and treatment"
Professor Bryan Kolb; Canada
"My colleague was blown away by the tremendous work your organisation is doing for society."  Social Worker
Child 1 - Aged 14 and 3 years after a traumatic brain injury
2019 2020 Change
REASONING 301/800 426/800   +  125
MEMORY 181/800 304/800   +  123
ATTENTION 463/800 573/800   +  110
COORDINATION 47/800 309/800   +  262
PERCEPTION 158/800 374/800   +  216
"When someone has a brain injury, early access to local, specialist rehabilitation is crucial to ensure the maximum recovery and make significant savings to the state in health costs"
Headway; United Kingdom
"Often families don't have the financial capability to access services. We need to rethink how we deliver neuro-rehab services to children and young people"
Vicki Anderson; Australia
"There are problems with getting people into neuro-rehab. Those most in need are often those most excluded due to a lack of socio-economic resources."
Vicki Anderson; Australia
"Healthy teens are better at identifying strategies to deal with barriers. KIDS WITH ABI'S CAN'T!"
Shari Wade; USA
"We are impressed with the progress you have made with the individual we referred to you."  Social Worker    

OUR MISSION: To work to remove inequalities for children & young people affected by acquired brain injury; and provide effective support to their families that makes a real difference to their lives.

Council for Disabled Children Community Funded Charity Excellence Lottery Funded Youth Foundation BBC CiN