How can you help us?

Easy ways in which you can Help Us!

Shopping On Line


MATRIX Neurological has partnered up with GoRaise. It’s now easier than ever before for our members and other supporters to join us in fundraising.

You can get free donations every time you shop online. It’s simple, it’s safe, and it doesn’t cost you a penny.

Once you’ve registered with GoRaise, every time you shop online at thousands of brilliant online retailers – including M&S, John Lewis, Argos, Ebay, Sports Direct, & Expedia – those retailers will donate a portion of what you spend to our cause, for free. So, how do you get started?

Just go to our page at and register for free today.

Once you’ve done this, just make sure that you visit the GoRaise website and click your chosen retailer, from the list of over 3,000, each time you want to shop online.

Whether you’re an individual or a company, please do sign up today, it will make a huge difference to us and we could raise £1000’s of extra funding every year just from donations generated by ordinary, everyday online shopping.

Give as you Live enables our supporters a way to raise FREE funds for us when they shop online at 4000+ leading retailers including Amazon, eBay, John Lewis and Sainsbury’s.  Your support can also raise HUGE donations when you book your holidays with your chosen company via Give as you Live.

The great news is that it doesn’t cost you a penny – the retailer makes the donation!    Just check the eligible retailers on the Give as you Live website.

To fund raise for us – simply complete the easy registration process, download the App  and start online shopping through Give as you Live.

Donate your old car

Donate your old car to charity

We are also now an Official Partner of Charity Car.  This means that you can donate your old car to us!

Charity Car is an ethical recycling and car scrappage network backed by the major companies the car manufacturing  industry that operates nationwide.

All you need to do is submit your car, agree to the Charity Car ‘Terms and Conditions’ with CarTakeBack which can be viewed on their website.  Charity Car will seek to maximise the value of the car by directing it down the most appropriate route: either Auction or Recycling.

You can submit your car via the Charity Car website or by calling the dedicated Charity Car customer information line on 0844 669 6889.  You can choose whether to dispose of your car at a CarTakeBack recycling centre, or to make things really easy, they can collect it from your home.   They even take care of the DVLA paperwork for you!

So if you are looking to get rid of your old car, why not donate its value to us through Charity Car and help us to make a different to the lives of brain injured children?


• Help us to raise awareness by displaying our leaflets and posters
• Fund or Sponsor some of our brain injury films that we can give to families free of charge
• Buy our brain injury film for use by your organisation
• Pay for aspects of our printing costs i.e. leaflets
• Make a donation towards our core running costs
• Cover our fundraising costs
• Fund marketing products i.e. a pop up stand, leaflets etc


Help us to spread the word and share good news stories on social media

• Follow us on Twitter and re-tweet or Tweet about us
• Send us a Friend request on our Facebook Page
• Like our Facebook page
• Add links to our website from yours
• Advertise or promote us on your website






"There are problems with getting people into neuro-rehab. Those most in need are often those most excluded due to a lack of socio-economic resources."
Vicki Anderson; Australia
"Positive and coordinated neuro-rehab interventions for children and young people is proven to bring health improvements; improve independence; reduces the need for sheltered living; decreases vulnerability; decreases drop-out rates in schools; decreases youth offending"
Eric Hermans; Netherlands
"Taking brain injured children home causes high stress for families. Disjointed services exacerbate family stress levels."
Deborah Andrews; New Zealand
"Often families don't have the financial capability to access services. We need to rethink how we deliver neuro-rehab services to children and young people"
Vicki Anderson; Australia
"We need to harness the power of brain plasticity for treating children and young people with brain injury, especially at the key ages of 0-3 and at ages 10-16"
Professor Bryan Kolb; Canada
"More play increases brain plasticity and makes for better recovery post brain injury"
Professor Bryan Kolb; Canada
"We would like to see earlier identification and support for children with brain injuries to help them succeed in school."
Dalton Leong; Chief Executive of the Children's Trust
"Thousands of children and young people living in the UK today without the help and support that can make a huge difference to their lives"
Dalton Leong; Chief Executive of the Children's Trust
I was very impressed with the results you have had with the young people you have worked with.
"Case management for children and young people post acquired brain injury is 'pivotal' to successful outcomes and must be local"
Deborah Andrews; New Zealand

OUR MISSION: To work to remove inequalities for children & young people affected by acquired brain injury; and provide effective support to their families that makes a real difference to their lives.

Council for Disabled Children Community Funded Charity Excellence Lottery Funded Youth Foundation BBC CiN