
Volunteers enhance the work undertaken by our charity, helping us to achieve better outcomes for the children, young people and their families that we aim to help.

Our volunteers receive an indepth induction, training appropriate to their role and ongoing support and development to ensure their volunteering is a positive experience.

Why volunteer?

  • To ‘give something back’
  • To use your skills, knowledge and experience.
  • Volunteering is a chance to gain new skills, provide valuable work experience and explore potential career options
  • To increase employability
  • To make a difference to the lives of others

Make a difference – every person counts!

We currently have opportunities at our office base in Middlesbrough and are hapy to talk over what this may involve.

For further information, or to request a volunteer application pack please contact us:

on 01642 989116 or email –  matt@matrixneurological.org.uk



"Too often children and young people with ABI are discharged from hospital without specialist brain support that they and their families need to overcome lifelong challenges"
Andrew Ross; former Chief Executive of the Children's Trust
"Participation in teen sports and normal activities leads to improved quality of life for children and young people post brain injury and helps to maximise outcomes"
Claire Willis; Australia
"Rehabilitation interventions can lead to positive outcomes for children and their families if delivered in the familiar home environment and applied to everyday situations"
Cerebra; United Kingdom
"Pediatric neuro-rehabilitation cannot be delivered in isolation. The needs of the child have to be looked at both holistically and within the context of the family unit. Parents need to be empowered to be parents in post-acute pediatric neuro-rehabilitation following brain injury"
The Children's Trust; United Kingdom
"There are problems with getting people into neuro-rehab. Those most in need are often those most excluded due to a lack of socio-economic resources."
Vicki Anderson; Australia
"We are impressed with the progress you have made with the individual we referred to you."  Social Worker    
"Parent-supported interventions after paediatric ABI bring reductions to the cost to society"
Eric Hermans; Netherlands
"Positive and coordinated neuro-rehab interventions for children and young people is proven to bring health improvements; improve independence; reduces the need for sheltered living; decreases vulnerability; decreases drop-out rates in schools; decreases youth offending"
Eric Hermans; Netherlands
"With support parents cope better so the child has a better recovery"
Andrea Palacio-Navarro; Spain
Child 1 - Aged 14 and 3 years after a traumatic brain injury
2019 2020 Change
REASONING 301/800 426/800   +  125
MEMORY 181/800 304/800   +  123
ATTENTION 463/800 573/800   +  110
COORDINATION 47/800 309/800   +  262
PERCEPTION 158/800 374/800   +  216

OUR MISSION: To work to remove inequalities for children & young people affected by acquired brain injury; and provide effective support to their families that makes a real difference.

Council for Disabled Children Community Funded Charity Excellence Lottery Funded Youth Foundation BBC CiN