MATRIX Neurological has created a short animated film called ‘Me and My Brain Injury’ that explains brain injury to a child or young person so that they can understand what has happened inside their head.

The innovative film has been developed with funding from the Goshen Trust and the Tees Valley Community Foundation.  The charity has received very positive comments from everyone who has viewed the film so far; including senior medical professionals.   The film is available for sale to help the charity with its fundraising activities; but will be given free to those families that the charity works with.   All income generated from the film sales will be reinvested back into the charity to enable them to support more brain injured children and their families.

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the informative brain injury film, please contact us via our website or call 01642 989116.

We also offer the opportunity for businesses to sponsor copies of the ABI film by covering the purchase costs of a fixed number of ABI films, to enable it to be given free to families outside of the local area.  If any business is interested in sponsoring copies of the film, please contact Jan Rock or Ann Dale to discuss the available options.

"Rehabilitation interventions can lead to positive outcomes for children and their families if delivered in the familiar home environment and applied to everyday situations"
Cerebra; United Kingdom
"We are medical practitioners. The real experts are the parents. Over the last 35 years they have taught me everything I know"
Lucia Braga; Brazil
"Thousands of children and young people living in the UK today without the help and support that can make a huge difference to their lives"
Dalton Leong; Chief Executive of the Children's Trust
"With support parents cope better so the child has a better recovery"
Andrea Palacio-Navarro; Spain
"Strength-based family intervention after pediatric ABI is essential. Parents need to be equipped with the skills to cope and advocate for the child."
Caron Gan; Canada
"Different 'experts' involved in paediatric neuro-rehabilitation come from different organisational cultures which causes conflict and has a negative effect on the outcomes for the child."
Barbara O'Connell; Ireland
"Taking brain injured children home causes high stress for families. Disjointed services exacerbate family stress levels."
Deborah Andrews; New Zealand
"When different organisations assess different aspects of a child's neuro-rehabilitation needs, everyone looks at things from a different perspective and have conflicting priorities"
Cathy Jonson; Rehab without Walls; United Kingdom.
"Healthy teens are better at identifying strategies to deal with barriers. KIDS WITH ABI'S CAN'T!"
Shari Wade; USA
I was very impressed with the results you have had with the young people you have worked with.

OUR MISSION: To work to remove inequalities for children & young people affected by acquired brain injury; and provide effective support to their families that makes a real difference to their lives.

Council for Disabled Children Community Funded Charity Excellence Lottery Funded Youth Foundation BBC CiN