An acquired brain injury is both life long and life changing, regardless of the level of severity. It is also a subject that is not widely understood across the general population.
Children and young people are often left with a range of complex issues that they need help and support with. Sometimes their problems are not easy to explain either to them, extended family members, friends and other community professionals. This brings about significant added pressure and increased frustration; thus making your life extremely stressful; which is not helpful when the family unit is already under increased physical, financial, emotional and psychological pressure.
We will therefore work with you to:
a) Improve your knowledge and understanding of acquired brain injury
b) Help you to understand how the brain injury has/is affecting your child
c) Work with you so that you understand how you can help your child or young person with their ongoing recovery and rehabilitation and are confident to undertake those tasks
d) Equip you with the skills to effectively manage the child or young person’s ongoing long-term condition or disability to maintain the ongoing care, recovery and rehabilitation process
e) Develop your personal skills to enable you to become a strong advocate for your child’s and their individual needs.